59th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 9-11, 2024
Visigothic Legacies: New Ways of Bridging Pre- and Post-711
(In person session; ID 5006)
Sponsoring Organization: American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain
Organizer: Damián Fernández (
This session will explore long-term continuities between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle
Ages within the Iberian Peninsula. In what ways did Visigothic practices, institutions, and other
legacies survive the Arab conquest and influence the mixed societies that took shape under
both Muslim and Chris-an rule? We are especially interested in the appropriation and
resignification of the past and the transmission of ancient texts and ideas and welcome
proposals on papers dealing with any population(s) within the peninsula and any aspect(s) of
this transition. We encourage work that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries, handles
non-traditional evidence, or employs novel methodologies.
Please submit your name, affiliation and contact information; a 300-word abstract; and a
short description (50 words) that may be made public through the Confex Proposal Portal
( The deadline for submission is September 15.