In Memory of Bernie Reilly

The death of Bernie Reilly is a grave loss for all of us who study the history of medieval Spain. He was such a great good friend. About sixty years ago I met him in the midst of a large crowd of people at an AHA conference. At a time when so many medievalists were focused on the history of France and England, I remember how delighted I was to discover that there was someone else in this entire United States who was interested in medieval Spanish history.
About the same time, I encountered Father Robert Burns and Jim Powers who were also directing attention to this long-neglected field. I remember that someone remarked that we were the Irish mafia of medieval Spanish studies. Gathering one day in a dormitory room at Kalamazoo under the leadership of Father Burns, we organized the Academy of American Research Historians of Medieval Spain. Father Burns insisted on calling it an Academy so that the name would appear in the AHA program at the beginning of the list of associated societies. Bernie graciously agreed to serve as Secretary and later assumed the additional responsibility of Treasurer. In taking on those tasks, he had a major role in successfully launching this new organization.
Aside from his organizational skills, Bernie was a masterful scholar. His studies of the reigns of Queen Urraca, Alfonso VI, and Alfonso VII attest to his attention to detail and his capacity to make sound judgments and interpretations. His careful examination of every charter to determine its integrity and authenticity at a time when forgery was common is the hallmark of his work. Bernie dedicated The Contest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031-1157, an admirable overview of a remarkable century, “to my children who completed my education.” That wry remark was no doubt true, but I think we may add that Bernie enhanced the education of every one of us who has tried to understand the complexities of medieval Spain. May his spirit be always with us.
Joseph F. O'Callaghan